Wakar Yabo

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Karbi wakar yabo, yabo, yabo
(Receive the song of praise, praise, praise)
Karbi wakar yabo daga zuciya na
(Receive the song of praise from my heart)

Domin abubuwan da kayi mani
(For the things You have done for me)
Baki na me zai iya fada
(What can my mouth be able to say)

Kaine kullum kake ciyar dani
(You are the One Who always feed me)
Kaunar Ka ba iya Ka
(Your love has no end)

Domin nasan kana tare dani
(For i know You are with me)
Ga rai na kwance kamar ruwaye
(My life lies like the waters)
Bukatu na da damu’o’i
(…my needs and concerns)
Kai Ka share hawaye
(You wiped away tears)

Menene zan ba Ka Ya Yesu na 4x
(What can I give you oh Jesus)

Karbi wakar yabo, yabo, yabo
(Receive the song of praise, praise, praise)
Karbi wakar yabo daga zuciya na
(Receive the song of praise from my heart)

Karbi girma Ya Uba
(Receive glory oh Father)
Da daukaka duk naka ne
(And honor all belongs to You)
Ka isa in ma sujada
(You are worthy of my worship)
Ai don kaine nake rayuwa
(It’s because of You that i am living)

Menene zan ba Ka Ya Yesu na 4x
(What can I give you oh Jesus)

Karbi wakar yabo, yabo, yabo
(Receive the song of praise, praise, praise)
Karbi wakar yabo daga zuciya na
(Receive the song of praise from my heart)

Domin abubuwan da kayi mani
(For the things You have done for me)
Baki na me zai iya fada
(What can my mouth be able to say)

Kaine kullum kake ciyar dani
(You are the One Who always feed me)
Kaunar Ka ba iya Ka
(Your love has no end)

Domin nasan kana tare dani
(For i know You are with me)
Ga rai na kwance kamar ruwaye
(My life lies like the waters)
Bukatu na da damu’o’i
(…my needs and concerns)
Kai Ka share hawaye
(You wiped away tears)

Kai Ka share hawaye
(You wiped away tears)

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